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Spinach Radiatori - A wonderfully simple spinach pasta with a unique shaped that resembles a small radiator. This pasta holds sauce and flavor very well for any dish.
Ingredients: Semolina, Durum Wheat (niacin, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid), Organic Spinach, Italian Sea Salt.
Cooking Instructions: Bring water to a boil and add salt. Add pasta. Boil gently for 5-7 minutes stirring occasionally to avoid clumping or sticking to the bottom of the pot. Cook to desired tenderness. Drain and immediately serve with sauce or olive oil.
Dalla Terra Pasta was founded in Appleton, WI in 2009 by Cyndi Connolly. Liam and Kithara Connolly, son and daughter-in-law to Cyndi, currently own and operate the business and continue to supply the Fox Valley and Wisconsin with high quality pasta. Dalla Terra is Italian for “from the land”. The vibrant colors are achieved using whole food vegetable purees and spices as opposed to powders or dyes typically found in mass produced pasta. Our mission is to provide a product that honors the land and the farmers who grow the produce we use. It’s not easy to process fresh foods the way we do. That’s what makes us different. See us here: Dalla Terra Pasta
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A classic spinach and garlic pasta. This flat shaped pasta is a versatile pasta for any dish! Substitute in any recipe that calls for linguine or fettuccine.
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A bright lemon and cracked pepper pasta. This flat shaped pasta is a versatile pasta for any dish! Substitute in any recipe that calls for linguine or fettuccine.
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A classic tomato & basil pasta. This flat shaped pasta is a versatile pasta for any dish! Substitute in any recipe that calls for linguine or fettuccine.